How To Select The Best Webinar Platforms

best webinar platforms

Webinar platforms come in many forms and are used for many different purposes. Webinars are a new and rapidly growing form of internet marketing that enables companies to host regular interactive meetings that reach out to their entire customer base. Through webinars, companies can gather their audience at one place, answer questions, and deliver their message over the web. The key is to create an impactful presentation that engages the audience. In order to do that, there must be compelling information delivered in an entertaining format.


It's not enough to just have a webinar. There are many different types of webinar tools and formats that make a webinar the best webinar software for you and your organization. Depending on the goals of your company, you might want your webinars to serve as an information dump for current issues, generate sales leads or help retain and grow your customer base. No matter what your goals are, there are webinar platforms that can help you achieve those goals. Here are some of the most common webinar programs:


Free Trial Sign-Ups: Companies who offer a free trial period typically invite visitors to enter their contact information and receive a limited amount of products. Most products offered as part of a free trial are offered through a third party website that collects email addresses from interested visitors and then sells them various products. While a free trial can provide a great return on investment, it can also be expensive in the long run if you decide not to continue with that plan after the free trial period expires. A better option for these types of events is to offer a free annual or monthly subscription to a webinar service where your attendees sign up based on their level of interest and purchase products only when they're ready to buy.

How to Select the Best Webinar Platforms


Email Marketing Tools: The best webinar platforms feature integrated email marketing tools that enable your network to stay connected to each other in real-time. These tools include auto-responders and landing pages that automatically send out sales and marketing messages based on the subscribers' interests and preferences. In addition to sending out messages in the form of email, these tools can also integrate with your squeeze page, where potential customers can subscribe to your list. Email marketing is an incredibly effective way to market your products and services. However, it requires the expertise of highly skilled professionals in order to ensure your emails are sent in the best possible fashion.


Live Q And A: Using a webinar service to promote your product or service requires a lot more than setting up a website and hoping your audience shows up for the event. You'll need to have a live Q & A session in which your audience gets the chance to ask questions of your professional speakers. Typically, these sessions will last about 30 minutes. To give your audience the best chance to ask questions, look for webinar services that feature live Q & A. The ability to record the webinar so that audience members can view the session later is also another important feature to look for.


Free 30-day Trial: The biggest problem that many new webinar attendees run into is that they end up paying too much for their services. If you want to avoid this kind of problem, find a company that offers a free 30-day trial. Often, companies will require participants to sign up for a service such as Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Office, or other software before they can receive a free trial. However, there are many webinar services that offer a free trial for all attendees. Before you invest money in a new service, make sure it offers a free 30-day trial.


Solid Signup Conversion Rate: Ask yourself this question before investing in any new program: "How likely would I be to sign up?" A good way to determine this is to look at other webinar services that offer a generous signup conversion rate. If the conversion rate is below average, it may be that your audience isn't interested in what you have to say. If you only have a 20% conversion rate, that's a good sign that your audience is simply not interested in your offerings.


Lastly, don't forget to look at the overall pricing packages offered by different web conferencing providers. While many companies provide great value for the cost, some webinar attendees aren't willing to pay the price. In addition, there are many attendees who decide to cancel their registration after the 30-day free trial because the pricing packages aren't right for them.

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